The BNP and other like-minded opposition parties are scheduled to stage processions with black flags in every district on Friday, calling for the dissolution of the 12th parliament and demonstrating against the escalating increases in the cost of necessities.

A similar programme will also be held in all metropolitan cities, including Dhaka, on Saturday to press home the same demand and to register their protest against the skyrocketing prices of essential items.

The People's Party, Gonoforum, Ganatantrik Bam Oikya, Ganatantra Mancha, Jatiyatabadi Samamona Jote, Gono Odhikar Parishad, Labour Party, LDP, and Ganatantra Mancha will all hold separate black-flag processions in various parts of the capital.

BNP Senior Joint Secretary General Ruhul Kabir Rizvi said, their party leaders and activists will bring out a procession at 2 pm on Saturday in front of the BNP’s Nayapaltan central office.

“We have informed the Dhaka Metropolitan Police (DMP) about this programme. Our party Vice Chairman Advocate Nitai Roy Chowdhury talked to the DMP authorities about the programme,” he said.

He said that although they had not yet granted official approval, the DMP officials had shown support for the initiative.

According to Rizvi, every effort has been made by the leaders and activists of the BNP's Dhaka south and north city units to ensure the success of the black-flag program.

This will be the BNP's first public program following the January 7th, 12th parliamentary election.
