Awami League and BNP have again entered the field with counter programs after the Parliamentary elections. The leaders of the parties who are in simultaneous movement with BNP have also appeared on the streets demanding the fall of the government.

The Liberal Democratic Party (LDP) held a black flag march in the capital on Saturday (January 27) demanding its annulment, unlimited increase in commodity prices, claiming that the parliament is illegal.

In the morning, the party took out a procession in Vijayanagar area of the capital. At that time, the January 7 election was canceled and the election was demanded under a non-partisan caretaker government. They also demanded the release of arrested leaders and activists while conducting anti-election agitation.

The nationalist like-minded alliance also held a black flag march in Vijayanagar. They also make demands like LDP. The leaders of the party said that the Awami League government is divided. They came to power by force for their own interests. The leaders and workers of the nationalist like-minded alliance with the BNP will always be on the streets to establish the basic rights and democracy of the people of the country.

Members of the 12-party alliance also took out a black flag march in Vijayanagar. At the end of the rally, activists in Vijaynagar complained that the current government is oppressing the country. The government has seized power unjustly. They claim that people do not obey this government. The leaders of the coalition announced to resist the current government with the people.