Dhaka, Jan 23 (V7N) — The Crime Branch of the Dhaka Metropolitan Police (DMP) has arrested 23 individuals during anti-drug raids conducted across various areas of the capital. The operation, which spanned 24 hours, began at 6 a.m. on Wednesday and concluded at 6 a.m. on Thursday.

Law enforcement seized significant quantities of illegal substances during the raids, including:

  • 1 kg 470 grams of pure ganja
  • 110 yaba tablets
  • 7 grams of pure heroin
  • 1 bottle of foreign liquor
  • 267 bottles of phensidyl

Seventeen cases under the Narcotics Control Act have been filed against the arrested individuals at the respective police stations.

The DMP stated that these operations are part of their ongoing efforts to curb drug trafficking and consumption in the city. Authorities reiterated their commitment to eradicating narcotics from Dhaka through sustained action.