Dhaka, Mar 13 (V7N)– The government has planned stringent security measures in waterways to ensure safe and smooth travel of the homebound passengers by waterways ahead of the upcoming Eid-ul-Fitr.
At least four Ansars will be deployed in each launch during the Eid-ul-Fitr alongside regular and special patrols by law enforcement agencies, including the Navy in waterways and launch terminals.
There will be regular patrols by the Navy, Police, RAB, Naval Police and Coast Guard to prevent robbery, extortion and harassment and intimidation of workers and passengers in Narayanganj, Gazaria-Munshiganj, Chandpur and Barisal-Bhola waterways and other waterways across the country as well.
The Ministry of Shipping on Thursday has decided to take a numerous measures that include strengthening security in waterways as the shipping owners present in the meeting called for giving special importance on security issue.
In the meeting, Shipping Adviser Brig Gen (Rtd) Dr M Sakhawat Hussain highlighted various steps taken to ensure the safety of homebound passengers by waterways during Eid-ul-Fitr.
He said necessary instructions have been given to the relevant authorities in this regard.
As per the decision of the meeting, four Ansar members will be deployed on each of launches from March 16 to two days after the Eid. For this, the launch owners will have to bear the duty allowances fixed by the government.
The Ministry of Shipping has already instructed to take strict action against charging more than the permitted fare and carrying more passengers on launches during this Eid-ul-Fitr.
During the same period, Ansar and community police will be deployed along with traffic police to keep the Sadarghat launch terminal in Dhaka free of hawkers.
The concerned departments will take steps to keep the road leading to Sadarghat Terminal free from traffic jams and hawkers for passenger safety.
To make the Eid journey safe, comfortable and enjoyable, the government has planned some other measures that included formation of vigilance teams in each “Ghat” (terminal) area in coordination with the security forces and implementation of roster duty based on jetty gates and pontoons of each river port, terminal and “Ghat” point.
Some measures will also be taken to aware passengers alongside monitoring overall situation from the watch tower at Dhaka River Port (Sadarghat).
These include, stopping speedboat operations at night and ensuring that speedboat passengers wear life jackets during the day, stopping bulkhead (sand-carrying ships) from operating on inland waterways day and night for five days after Eid from 15th Ramadan, and stopping sand extraction from Balumahal.
Before Eid, and for the next three days, ferry crossings for general trucks and covered vans, except for trucks carrying essential and perishable goods, will be closed.
A total of 46 ferries will be kept operational at seven ferry piers to deal with traffic congestion while passenger services will be ensured at all river ports.
BIWTA's control room and hotline will be opened while rescue ships will be kept ready to conduct rescue operations in case of any accident in the waterway.
Fire service and civil defense will be kept ready at floating naval fire station. Canvassing will be completely closed for boarding passengers on launches while boarding passengers from the middle of the river has been prohibited.
It will be mandatory for staff working on launches or ferry to have prescribed uniforms and ID cards. Passenger awareness and warning messages and naval notices will be disseminated and displayed at terminals.