Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina has sent her appreciation to the populace for taking part in the 12th national election, emphasizing the need to maintain the democratic trend.

Retiring for a fourth term, Sheikh Hasina's Awami League secured 223 seats in the 300-member Parliament (voting has already taken place in 299 constituencies, with a further one set for February 12). To sabotage the election, the BNP staged a violent protest in the streets and abstained from voting.

The BNP carried out arson terrorism under the pretense of “restoring democracy”, the prime minister declared. "We're making certain that the perpetrators of arson terrorism face consequences. They are being hunted down. And those who gave the orders for the attacks have been taken into custody. To make sure they don't happen again, certain actions are being done, she stated.

"The election was marred by a number of plots and difficulties, but we must move forward and get past them all. The election held on January 7 has been declared a success by the people. This is the victory of democracy,” she said at a rally in Kotalipara on Sunday January's 14.

She declared at this point that she would expose all conspiracies and move the nation forward. 

It has been demonstrated that a democratic government is necessary for the nation to grow. Development ought to be long-term. It is imperative that we face the conspiracies in order to proceed. Future developments would follow this path, the speaker said.