Noakhali, August 27 — The flood situation in Noakhali has deteriorated significantly due to continuous rainfall since Monday afternoon. While the floodwaters had been receding slowly, they rose again, reaching a few inches higher than before.

As of Tuesday, approximately 200,000 people have sought refuge in emergency shelters. Eighty-seven unions across eight upazilas out of nine in Noakhali are now submerged. The floods have left around 20 million people facing dire conditions.

In addition to the widespread displacement, the flooding has caused severe disruptions to the power supply. Around 400,000 customers of Noakhali Palli Vidyut Samity are currently without electricity. The floodwaters have also claimed the lives of two Palli Vidyut linemen who were electrocuted on Monday while attempting to operate power lines in the floodwater.

Residents of three unions in Companyganj upazila are particularly fearful as the Muchapur sluice gate regulator was broken and swept away by the strong current on Monday. There is concern that even if the floodwaters recede, tidal waters could inundate homes in these areas, worsening the plight of the affected communities.