Dhaka, August 28 — In a remarkable display of solidarity, more than Tk 5.73 crore in cash has been collected over six days at the TSC (Teacher-Student Centre) of Dhaka University to aid flood victims. On Tuesday alone, Tk 81,61,300 was donated by the general public to assist those affected by the floods, as reported by the Anti-Discrimination Student Movement.

This information was shared at a press conference on Tuesday evening. Coordinators of the relief effort highlighted the deployment of over 2,500 army personnel in remote flood-affected areas. They addressed rumors circulating due to the accumulation of clothing bags at TSC, clarifying that these are to be dispatched within a day or two, and that the claims of delays are unfounded.

Efforts are being made to reach remote areas where relief has yet to arrive. Cash donations are being used to arrange relief through local representatives in these regions. The coordinators also pointed out shortages of essential supplies such as sugar, jaggery, and water purification tablets. They emphasized the need to educate people about the proper usage of these tablets to ensure safe drinking water.

The initiative reflects the community's commitment to supporting flood victims and ensuring that aid reaches those in dire need.