Dhaka, August 29 — The public relief collection program at Dhaka University (DU) for flood victims has entered its eighth day, continuing to draw significant support from the community. The initiative, led by the anti-discrimination student movement, began at 10 a.m. today, with relief collection efforts taking place simultaneously at the TSC (Teacher-Student Center) and Gymnasium areas.

The TSC area has been particularly busy, with a large turnout of individuals from various walks of life contributing to the cause. People from across Dhaka, as well as from surrounding districts such as Munshiganj, are participating, donating both dry food and cash to assist those affected by the recent floods.

In the past seven days, a total of 7 crore 8 lakh 76 thousand 278 taka has been collected at the TSC alone. Notably, even children have joined the effort, contributing their saved allowances to support the victims.

The collection drive demonstrates a strong community spirit and ongoing commitment to aiding those in need during this crisis.