Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina said that sports keeps the body healthy and creates competitive spirit. So that our native games are not lost, we all have to take initiatives together. 

He said this while participating in the opening ceremony of the final phase of the winter national sports competition in Rajshahi virtually from Gana Bhavan on Wednesday (February 7) morning.

The Prime Minister said, starting from Hadudu, all kinds of native games should be started. So that they are not lost. I think, if sports, physical exercise and cultural programs are organized along with studies, our children will be more developed mentally, generous and have good health.

She said, our children are very talented. Mentioning that they are capable of doing good things if given a little chance, the Prime Minister said that everyone, including our children, will take initiative so that the native games are not lost.

She expressed his excitement seeing the interest of teachers and students in sports. Congratulations in advance to those who will win the competition. Sheikh Hasina emphasized on organizing inter-school, inter-college, inter-university level competitions.