Dhaka, Sep 05 (V7N)- Asif Mahmud Sajib Bhuiyan, Adviser to the Interim Government, announced that Gono Bhavan, the official residence of the Prime Minister, will be opened to the public and transformed into a memorial museum commemorating the July Uprising. The decision was finalised during an advisory council meeting held on Thursday.

The meeting, chaired by Chief Adviser Dr Muhammad Yunus, took place at his office. Following the meeting, Asif Mahmud briefed the press at the Foreign Service Academy, explaining the rationale behind the decision. "Gono Bhavan will be established as the July Uprising Memorial Museum and made accessible to the public," he said.

Drawing comparisons to similar memorials in South Korea and other countries, Asif Mahmud noted that the museum will exhibit the actions of the former fascist regime, providing an educational insight into the period's political events. "By learning from other countries, we aim to create a memorial that documents the activities of the fascist government," he added.

The anti-discrimination student movement, which gained momentum following violent clashes over quota reform demands, culminated in the resignation of former Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina on August 5. As the movement intensified, protesters entered key government locations, including Gono Bhavan, the Prime Minister's Office, and the Parliament building. Three days later, on August 8, Nobel laureate Dr Muhammad Yunus was appointed as the head of an interim government.

Asif Mahmud reiterated that full justice must be served before any possibility of rehabilitating those responsible for the former regime's actions. He emphasised, "It is up to the people of Bangladesh to decide if the party or coalition that established fascism can return to power."

Additionally, Asif Mahmud revealed that a review committee will be established to address the demands of workers across all labour sectors, including the garment industry. This committee will represent both workers and employers.

The adviser also touched on the cabinet's acceptance of a congratulatory motion celebrating Bangladesh's recent victory against Pakistan. He further stated that efforts to compile a comprehensive list of martyrs from the student uprising are underway. Chief Adviser Dr Muhammad Yunus is expected to meet with the families of the martyrs, and the government has committed to providing long-term medical care for the injured.

Addressing concerns over the recent floods, Asif Mahmud assured the public that relief activities are ongoing, and rehabilitation for affected families will begin soon.

On the issue of rising tensions in industrial factories, Asif Mahmud informed that the matter was discussed in the cabinet. A review committee has been formed to address worker concerns, which will represent both the workers and the employers in resolving disputes.