Holy Shab-E-Meraj today (February 8). Devout Muslims will be engaged in worship on this night hoping to gain the pleasure of the Most Merciful Allah.  

Lailatul Meraj or Rajni of Meraj is basically known as 'Shab-E-Meraj'. The Persian word 'shab' means night. And the Arabic 'Meraj' means rising. And so 'Shabe Meraj' means night of ascension. According to religion, on this glorious night, Prophet Muhammad (pbuh) ascended to heaven and was met by the will of Almighty Allah. 

According to Islamic history, the Holy Shavemeraj is celebrated in the Muslim world as a commemoration day of the miraculous and historical events of the Prophet Muhammad (PBUH). On this night, the Holy Prophet (PBUH) crossed the seven heavens and met the Almighty God and returned with five daily prayers for the Muslims.

With religious solemnity and due dignity, the devout Muslims of this country will also observe the Holy Shab-E-Meraj today through Qurankhani, Nafal Salat, Zikir Askar, Waj Mahfil, Dua-Darud recitation and special prayers.