Delhi, Sep 07 (V7N)— Former Narayanganj-4 MP and influential Awami League leader, Shamim Osman, who has been missing from public view since the resignation of former Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina on August 5, was reportedly seen at the Nizamuddin Auliya shrine in Delhi, India. This sighting comes amidst ongoing speculation about the whereabouts of prominent Awami League leaders following the political upheaval in Bangladesh.

According to a visitor at the shrine, who wished to remain anonymous, Shamim Osman was spotted at 9:50 PM on Friday (September 6), accompanied by his family members. The individual also confirmed that he had taken photographs of the former MP as evidence and shared this information with Media.

Shamim Osman had last been seen publicly at a secret meeting held at the Awami League's Dhanmondi office on the night of August 3. During this meeting, the party resolved to remain active in the political field the following day, but Osman disappeared from the public eye soon after. His sudden reappearance in Delhi has fuelled further discussion about the whereabouts of other high-ranking Awami League members who have remained unseen since the political crisis began. 

This sighting of Shamim Osman marks the first confirmed location of the former MP since early August, as numerous Awami League leaders have reportedly gone into hiding or left the country following the fall of the government.