"The cold wave has gripped severely affecting the lives of locals since the temperature dropped to a season-low of 11.5°C"

A severe cold wave has gripped Barisal and the surrounding areas, severely affecting the life of the locals as the temperature dropped to a season-low of 11.5 degrees Celsius. Many others have chosen to stay inside due to the cold, going outside only when necessary.

This extraordinary cold wave has more negative repercussions than just everyday discomfort; worries about potential harm to important crops are growing. Concerns have been raised by agricultural groups regarding the effects on potatoes, winter vegetables, and Boro paddy. Experts refer to the harm posed to Boro seedbeds by the extreme cold and thick fog as "cold injury."

The disease known as "late blight" poses an extra threat to potatoes, and the inclement weather makes it difficult to produce winter vegetables. Farmers are navigating the difficulties brought on by the unseasonable weather, which is causing uncertainty in the agricultural sector, which is the foundation of the region's economy.

In contrast, encouraging developments have been noted in about 60,000 hectares of farmed land, suggesting that wheat cultivation is likely to exceed expectations.

There is some hope, since the meteorological agency predicts a little increase in temperature over the next two days. In addition, rain and thundershowers are expected starting on January 14th, which could offer some relief to the farming community as well as the broader locales.

Farmers and local government officials are keeping a careful eye on the situation, focusing on minimising the effects on crops and guaranteeing community safety. The possibility of rain and a temperature rise, notwithstanding the present difficulties, gives hope for a gradual return to normalcy in Barisal.

As the region navigates through this unexpected cold spell, the resilience of the community and concerted efforts to address agricultural concerns remain crucial elements in weathering the challenges posed by nature's unpredictability.