Rajshahi, Oct 05 (V7N)- Rajshahi University marked World Teacher's Day 2024 with a vibrant celebration that included a procession, discussion meeting, and teacher awards. The event, organized by the university administration, took place on Saturday, October 5.

The celebration began with a procession at 10 a.m., which started from the Senate Building and passed through the major roads of the campus, returning to its starting point. Following the procession, a discussion meeting and teacher award ceremony were held at the Senate Auditorium.

Speakers at the event emphasized the essential role teachers play in shaping students' lives, noting that students are the future of society. They stated that if teachers educate students effectively, the country will prosper with a well-developed society. The speakers also highlighted that teachers serve as both role models and mentors to students, and called attention to the challenges facing the teaching profession today. They expressed concern over the declining respect for teachers, citing various socio-political changes that have contributed to this trend. The need for strong teacher-student relationships to maintain a positive educational environment and elevate the country's global standing was also discussed.

The event’s chief guest was Professor Rafiqul Islam, former Vice-Chancellor of Islamic University, Kushtia, and retired professor of Economics at Rajshahi University. Rajshahi University Vice-Chancellor Professor Saleh Hasan Naqeeb presided over the event.

Other notable attendees included Vir Prateek Professor Dr. Md. Shamsul Alam, Proctor Professor Dr. Md. Mahbubar Rahman, and Student Advisor Professor Dr. Md. Amirul Islam Kanak. The event concluded with the distribution of teacher awards, recognizing the invaluable contributions of educators in the academic community.