Barguna, Sep 08 (V7N)- An altercation between political figures in Barguna escalated into a physical confrontation, with a video of the incident going viral on social media. The event took place in front of the Deputy Commissioner's office around noon on Sunday.

According to reports, the altercation involved A. Rashid Mia, the former Commander of the Barguna Freedom Fighter Sangsad and Secretary of Liberation War Affairs of the District Awami League, who was beaten by Shaon Molla, son of former district BNP president Farooq Molla.

When asked about the incident, Shaon Molla claimed that Abdur Rashid Mia had previously spoken ill of senior BNP leaders and had excluded district BNP freedom fighters from the official list of freedom fighters. Shaon further alleged that Rashid Mia had disrespected Tariq Rahman and attempted to resist a student movement. He emphasized that any disrespect towards his party or its leaders would not be tolerated.

Former freedom fighter commander A. Rashid Mia shared his version of the events, stating that he was on his way to the Deputy Commissioner's office when Shaon Molla, instigated by a BNP journalist named Hafizur Rahman, approached him. Rashid Mia recounted that Shaon Molla accused him of financial misconduct related to the listing of freedom fighters and the creation of a "freedom fighter village." Rashid Mia denied these allegations and challenged Shaon Molla to provide evidence of any wrongdoing. However, despite his attempts to de-escalate the situation, Rashid Mia was physically assaulted.

Following the incident, Rashid Mia reported the matter to the authorities, but no legal action has been taken so far.

Eyewitnesses, who requested anonymity, revealed that Rashid Mia was accused of looting during the Liberation War in 1971, particularly targeting Rakhine families in the Taltali area of Barguna. However, they condemned the public beating of an elderly person, regardless of the allegations against him. They emphasized that appropriate legal measures should be taken instead of resorting to physical abuse.

Several other freedom fighters echoed these sentiments, expressing their dismay at the attack on Rashid Mia. They highlighted that, despite facing verbal abuse themselves, they had never sought revenge and called for justice against those responsible for the assault.

The incident has sparked widespread outrage, with many calling for a thorough investigation and appropriate action to be taken against the perpetrators of the violence. The community is urging the authorities to ensure that justice is served and that such acts of violence are not repeated in the future.