Mongla, Sep 17 (V7N)-  The bustling fish trade along Taj Mahal Road and other key routes in Mongla has led to severe traffic congestion and public inconvenience. Buses, trucks, and autovans block the roads as fish traders conduct their business, making it difficult for other vehicles to move. The situation is further aggravated by the spillage of fish water onto the road, which has caused damage to the asphalt, increasing the likelihood of accidents.

A visit to the area on Tuesday revealed that from morning until 2 p.m., trucks, autovans, and small vehicles line both sides of Taj Mahal Road, selling fish and ice. This has resulted in significant traffic jams and delays for commuters and transporters.

Local autovan drivers, including Waheed Ghazi, Md. Sobahan Mallik, and Nasir Uddin, expressed their frustration over the situation. "We have to pass this road 15-20 times every day, but the fish trade on both sides causes traffic jams and wastes our time," said Waheed Ghazi. The drivers are forced to wait until the fish is unloaded before they can move, causing long delays and considerable inconvenience.

The problem is not limited to drivers. Pedestrians, like Manimohan Adhikari, a teacher at Mongla Government College, also face constant difficulties. "Many of us suffer due to the fish business blocking both sides of the road. If the fish business is relocated to an empty space within the municipality, it would greatly reduce the public suffering," he suggested.

Fish traders themselves acknowledge the issue but argue that they have limited options. Babu Molla and Rubel Hossain, two fish traders, admitted that the congestion and problems stem from the roadside sales. "If the municipal authorities widen both sides of Taj Mahal Road, this problem would disappear," they suggested.

In response to the growing public outcry, Upazila Assistant Commissioner (Land) Md. Tariqul Islam stated that over 50 traders have been fined through several mobile court operations. However, this has not been enough to solve the problem. The authorities are now considering relocating the fish traders to an alternative location, which may alleviate the congestion and reduce the risk of accidents caused by the deteriorating road conditions.

As traffic congestion worsens and the risk of accidents increases due to the damaged roads, residents and commuters are calling for immediate action to address the issue. The relocation of fish traders to a designated area and the widening of key roads are seen as necessary steps to restore order and safety in Mongla's busy streets.