Dhaka, Sep 22 (V7N) – Academic activities at Dhaka University (DU) resumed on Sunday after being suspended for more than three months.

Classes and exams began around 10am, with students from both dormitories and off-campus locations returning to the campus. The university initially reopened on July 1 after summer vacation and the Eid-ul-Azha holiday, but protests soon erupted.

On July 5, students began protesting for quota reforms, while university teachers boycotted classes in opposition to the government's universal pension scheme. Both groups boycotted academic activities until their demands were addressed.

Following a series of events, nearly three and a half months later, DU students have returned to their studies. However, due to previous disruptions and session jams caused by the pandemic, many students, particularly those enrolled in the 2019-20 session, have faced delays.

"We’ve been stuck in session jams for a long time. If we don’t complete our honors by year-end, we’ll miss job opportunities," said Taibur Rahman Sifat, a fourth-year Mass Communication and Journalism student.