Thakurgaon, Jan 10, (V7N) - A violent incident occurred during the filming of the popular magazine show 'Ityadi' in Ranishankoil, Thakurgaon on Thursday evening. The show had to be called off following clashes and vandalism at the venue in Rajbari, the host site of the event.
Local and organizing sources revealed that the event organizers had initially arranged for access passes for around two thousand people. However, the gathering exceeded expectations, attracting a crowd of hundreds of thousands. Tensions rose when chaos broke out over seating arrangements, leading to fights and property damage. Despite several attempts by the authorities to calm the situation, they failed. Unable to control the escalating disorder, the organizers decided to suspend the show midway.
When the event resumed, further disturbances occurred, and neither law enforcement, local leaders, nor the show’s organizers could restore order. Eventually, the show's director, Hanif Sanket, announced the cancellation of the program.
Audience members expressed their frustration, blaming the organizers for the lack of proper management.
Masud Alam, a visitor to the event, shared, “I had an access pass for the show, but it was difficult to get in. There was no discipline from the start, and this chaos is the result of poor organization.”
Sohail Rana, another attendee, said, “We knew the event would draw a large crowd, but there was inadequate security. It was a failure on their part. Also, hosting such an event in a small area was a mistake.”
In response to the cancellation, Hanif Sanket said, "Despite our efforts, we couldn’t bring peace. I wanted to create a wonderful experience for you, but it is no longer possible. I have failed."