In a remarkable discovery reminiscent of Bangladesh's historic Liberation War, Hazirhat police station in Rangpur city has unearthed a cache of weaponry believed to date back to that pivotal era. The recovered items include three antiquated light machine guns (LMGs), accompanied by three empty magazines and five rounds bullet, all carefully concealed within sacks submerged in a local pond.
The revelation unfolded on Thursday afternoon, May 16th, 2024, when vigilant locals stumbled upon the clandestine arsenal nestled within a hole along the banks of Abhiram Babupara's Badal Babur Pond in the vicinity of Hajihat. Promptly alerting law enforcement, the community's proactive engagement led to the swift intervention of Rangpur Metropolitan Police.
Deputy Commissioner of the Crime Department, Abu Maruf Hossain, confirmed the retrieval of the firearms and ancillary equipment, attributing their potential origins to the tumultuous period of Bangladesh's Liberation War. The meticulous recovery operation orchestrated by law enforcement underscores the ongoing efforts to preserve the nation's historical legacy and ensure public safety.
As investigations unfold, authorities remain steadfast in their commitment to unraveling the circumstances surrounding the concealed weaponry, shedding light on a chapter of Bangladesh's past that continues to resonate with profound significance.