Dhaka, Mar 24 (V7N) –Calling the Awami League a terrorist organization, National Citizen Party (NCP) Convener Md Nahid Islam on Monday demanded that the registration of the party be cancelled.
Speaking virtually at an iftar event organized by the party’s Narayanganj district unit, Nahid, a former adviser in the interim government, said his party will resist if any effort is made to rehabilitate the Awami League again, alleging that some quarters are trying to rehabilitate it.
Even before the past 15 years, the Awami League also had established fascism earlier and "you (party fellows) know how much oppression had been carried by the party on people," he said.
Recalling the role of the Narayanganj people in the July uprising, he said the NCP was launched with new political aspirations, and it aims to build the country afresh in continuation with the July uprising.
Seeking support from the people to build a new Bangladesh, Nahid said they have been demanding justice for the mass killers, structural reforms of the country, and elections to the constituent assembly.
He said ensuring visible judgment of the Awami League for fascism before the next election is one of the main demands of the NCP.
If the trial of Awami League "fascists" is not ensured after the mass uprising, then it is not certain that the country will not see another fascism, Nahid said.
Expressing his party’s firm stance on the reforms and changes, he alleged that some parties are going back to the past arrangements and expressing reluctance to the reforms.
“A new Bangladesh is not possible with the old constitution as the constitution we have requires the election of a constituent assembly,” he observed.
Urging leaders and workers to stand against extortion and supremacy, Nahid expressed his desire to stand by fellows to sort out their problems.