Feni, Sep 14 (V7N) – Nurses and nursing students in Feni have staged a human chain, demanding the removal of Maksura Noor, the Director General of the Directorate General of Nursing and Midwifery (DGNM), along with all other directors.

The protest, titled "March to DGNM," was organized by teachers and students of Feni Nursing and Midwifery College and nurses of Feni 250-bed General Hospital. The demonstration took place on Saturday morning in the hospital courtyard, with the protesters warning that they would continue their actions if their demands were not addressed.

The movement gained momentum after the resignation of Dr. Swapan Kumar Mondol, Director (Finance and Budget) of the DGNM, on Monday, September 9. He submitted his resignation letter to the Senior Secretary of the Ministry of Health’s Service Division, reportedly in response to the ongoing unrest within the Directorate.

The protestors have vowed to continue their campaign until their demands for leadership changes within the Directorate are met.