In a shocking incident, a member of the US Air Force self-immolated in front of the Israeli embassy located in Washington state on Sunday afternoon, local time. The individual, whose identity remains undisclosed, has been hospitalized in critical condition following the incident, as reported by AFP.

The act of self-immolation was reportedly carried out in protest against Israeli actions in Gaza. A spokesperson for the US Air Force confirmed to AFP that the individual involved was indeed an active member of the Air Force.

Emergency services responding to the scene have described the individual's condition as critical. Fortunately, no injuries were reported among embassy staff during the incident, as confirmed by an Israeli embassy spokesperson who stated that they were not acquainted with the individual in question.

According to accounts from various US media outlets, the individual had apparently expressed his motivations for the act during a live video stream on Twitch, a popular streaming platform. Witnesses claim to have heard him vocalize opposition to crimes such as genocide before dousing himself in a flammable substance and igniting it. Throughout the ordeal, he was heard chanting slogans in support of Palestine until he collapsed.