Russian President Vladimir Putin has issued a stark warning to the West amid escalating tensions over the Ukraine war. In his annual speech to the nation, Putin addressed various contemporary issues, including the conflict in Ukraine and recent geopolitical developments.

Putin's address comes at a time when France's President Emmanuel Macron's remarks regarding the possibility of sending troops to Ukraine have stirred controversy. Additionally, criticism surrounding the death of anti-corruption activist Alexei Navalny has garnered international attention.

During his speech, Putin specifically addressed the discussions within NATO countries regarding the deployment of military forces to Ukraine. He issued a stern warning, reminding Western nations of the consequences faced by past aggressors who attempted to invade Russia.

Emphasizing Russia's military capabilities, Putin cautioned against any interference in the country's internal affairs, highlighting the risk of dire consequences. He underscored the potential for nuclear conflict, asserting that any attempt to intervene in Russia's affairs could lead to widespread destruction.

Putin's warning serves as a deterrent against external intervention, highlighting Russia's readiness to defend its sovereignty. He emphasized the reach of Russia's military arsenal, including advanced missiles such as the Kinzhal and Zircon, which are already deployed in the Ukraine conflict.

Additionally, Putin outlined the readiness of other advanced weapons systems, including the Intercontinental Avangard hypersonic missiles and Piresvet laser systems. He also noted successful tests of the unlimited-range cruise missile Burevestnik and unmanned underwater fighter Poseidon, highlighting the formidable capabilities of Russia's military.

With the delivery of the Sarmat ballistic missile to the Russian army, Putin's address underscored the country's commitment to bolstering its defense capabilities. The message serves as a stark reminder of the potential consequences of further escalation in the Ukraine crisis, urging diplomatic solutions to avoid catastrophic outcomes.