In a devastating incident that shook Kolkata, India, a building under construction collapsed onto nearby slums and shanties in the Hazari Molla Bagan area of Gardenrich Paharpur during the midnight hours of Sunday (March 17). As of now, two fatalities have been confirmed, with 15 individuals sustaining injuries, though the casualty count is expected to rise.

The collapse occurred at 513/3 Banerjee Para Lane, leaving residents in shock and emergency responders scrambling to initiate rescue operations. The West Bengal government, alongside fire department and civil defense personnel, has mobilized the National Disaster Response Force to aid in the efforts.

The victims of this tragedy have been identified as Sama Begum (47) and Hasina Khatun (55), with ten injured individuals currently receiving treatment at a local nursing home. The ongoing rescue operations are facing significant challenges, with concerns that additional individuals may be trapped within the debris.

Eyewitnesses recount the horror of the collapse, highlighting the plight of those residing in the adjacent slum areas. Despite warnings and complaints regarding the alleged illegal construction activities preceding the collapse, the pleas of nearby residents reportedly went unheeded.

The arrival of West Bengal Chief Minister Mamata Banerjee at the scene underscores the gravity of the situation, as efforts intensify to mitigate the aftermath of the catastrophe. With the break of dawn, the scale of destruction became apparent, with mounds of concrete debris strewn across the area.

Gardenrich, home to a sizable Muslim population, mourns the loss of lives and grapples with the aftermath of the tragedy. In response, the state government has pledged compensation of Rs 1 and 5 lakh to the families of the deceased and injured, respectively. Additionally, Mayor Firhad Hakim has ordered the arrest of the building's promoter, signaling accountability amid the unfolding crisis.