A devastating incident has unfolded in the Sangru district of Punjab, India, where at least 21 individuals have lost their lives after consuming poisoned liquor. The incident, which occurred last Wednesday, has left several others hospitalized in critical condition, as reported by India Today on Sunday.

According to the report, a total of 40 people fell ill after consuming the toxic beverage, sparking widespread concern and tension across the district. Hospital authorities have warned that the death toll may continue to climb as the condition of the hospitalized victims remains precarious.

Local residents revealed that an illicit liquor racket had been operating in the area for an extended period, despite efforts by the community to thwart its activities.

In response to the tragedy, Punjab Police have taken swift action, arresting eight individuals in connection with the incident. Efforts are underway to identify the masterminds behind the illegal operation, with authorities conducting interrogations to gather crucial information. As part of their investigation, police raids have led to the discovery of approximately 200 liters of ethanol at a location suspected to be involved in the production of the tainted alcohol.

The incident has sent shockwaves through the community, highlighting the grave consequences of illicit liquor trade and underscoring the urgent need for stringent measures to combat such criminal activities. As the investigation continues, authorities remain vigilant in their pursuit of justice for the victims and their families.