Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu reiterated Israel's position on ceasefire negotiations with Hamas during a press briefing on Sunday. His comments come as ceasefire talks, facilitated by Egypt, Qatar, and the United States, resumed in Cairo.

Netanyahu emphasized that Israel would not agree to a ceasefire without the release of all hostages held by Hamas. He underscored that accepting Hamas's demands would risk a repetition of past events, referring to the October 7 conflict.

Asserting Israel's stance, Netanyahu framed the agreement as an act of compliance rather than surrender, emphasizing that they would not yield to Hamas's extreme demands. He called upon the international community to exert pressure on the Palestinian organization, commending the support of the United States in standing by Israel.

Highlighting military progress, Netanyahu stated that 19 out of 24 Hamas battalions had been expelled by the Israeli army, claiming that Israel was on the brink of victory. He emphasized that there would be no ceasefire until all hostages were returned, affirming it as a non-negotiable policy of the Israeli government.

Netanyahu criticized Hamas for obstructing the ceasefire deal, alleging that Hamas's insistence on certain terms posed a threat to Israeli citizens and soldiers. However, he reassured that despite Hamas's claims, the cessation of hostilities would not compromise Israeli security.

The Prime Minister's remarks underscore Israel's firm stance on ceasefire negotiations and its commitment to securing the release of all hostages before agreeing to any truce with Hamas.