Amid escalating tensions in the Middle East, Iran has issued a stern warning to Israel following its recent retaliatory attacks. Brigadier General Abul Fazal Shekarchi, the spokesman of the Iranian Armed Forces, cautioned Israel and Western nations against crossing Iran's "red line."

In a statement issued on Iran's National Army Day, Shekarchi emphasized Iran's readiness to defend itself, asserting that the country has no desire for war but will respond strongly to any aggression. Referring to Israel as "reckless and helpless," he warned of a forceful retaliation if Israel dares to cross Iran's red line.

The warning comes in the wake of Iran's retaliatory strikes on Israel, launched in response to an earlier Israeli attack on the Iranian consulate in Damascus, Syria. The retaliatory attack, carried out by Iran's Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps (IRGC), targeted Israeli airbases and resulted in significant damage.

Major General Abdolrahim Mousavi, Iran's army commander, echoed Shekarchi's sentiments, affirming Iran's commitment to national security and dignity. Mousavi emphasized that Iran will not hesitate to respond to any aggression against it.

The recent escalation in tensions has raised concerns about further destabilization in the region. Israel's decision to respond to Iran's attacks has fueled fears of a broader conflict, despite international calls for restraint.

As tensions continue to simmer, the situation remains fluid, with both Iran and Israel asserting their readiness to defend their interests. The international community closely watches developments in the region, hoping for a de-escalation of tensions and a return to dialogue.