Amidst a scorching heat wave in Lucknow, Uttar Pradesh, India, the Lucknow Traffic Police has implemented a novel solution to combat the soaring temperatures by providing "AC helmets" to its workers, as reported by Hindustan Times.

The initiative aims to alleviate the challenges faced by traffic police personnel amidst the intense heat. Officials mentioned that the AC helmets are currently being trialed as an experimental measure.

Ajay Kumar, Additional Commissioner of Lucknow Traffic Police, revealed that the helmets will be distributed to various departments as per their requirements. The trial phase will extend to Kanpur Traffic Police, with potential statewide deployment envisioned if proven successful.

Designed by students from IIM Vadodara, the AC helmets are battery-powered, offering approximately eight hours of cooling on a single charge. The helmets feature AC vents to deliver cool air directly to the wearer's head, providing relief from the sweltering heat.