Amidst mounting unrest and clashes at universities across the United States over the Israeli-Palestinian conflict, President Joe Biden finally addressed the situation on Thursday, emphasizing the right to peaceful protest while denouncing violence.

Since the eruption of protests, which were sparked by the Israeli attack on Gaza, tensions have escalated, resulting in over 1500 arrests and clashes between pro-Palestinian and pro-Israel groups, notably at the University of California, Los Angeles (UCLA).

Criticism had been directed at President Biden for his prolonged silence on the issue. However, in his recent remarks from the White House, Biden asserted that while Americans have the right to demonstrate, they do not have the right to incite chaos or violence.

He condemned acts of vandalism, property destruction, and campus disruptions, emphasizing the importance of maintaining peace and order amidst dissent. Biden reaffirmed the value of peaceful protest in democracy but stressed that it should not infringe upon the rights of others or disrupt academic activities.

While addressing the unrest, President Biden also clarified that the protests would not alter the United States' Middle East policy. Despite calls for National Guard intervention, he dismissed the idea, underscoring the need for discipline and order without resorting to authoritarian measures.