A wave of concern and prayers has swept across Iran after a helicopter carrying President Ebrahim Raisi and other high-ranking officials crashed in a mountainous region near the border with Azerbaijan. The incident occurred on Sunday, May 19, as the president was returning from inaugurating a dam in the region of East Azerbaijan.

The accident has prompted a national outpouring of support, with religious gatherings forming across the country. In Mashhad, a city renowned for its religious significance, mosques have been filled with people praying for the safety and well-being of President Raisi and his entourage.

Supreme Leader Ayatollah Ali Khamenei expressed his sorrow over the incident, urging the nation to pray. "We are hopeful that Allah will return the President and his entourage to the nation," Khamenei said, assuring the public that there will be no disruption in the country's governance during this uncertain time.

Iran's state media and semi-official Fars News Agency have also called on citizens to pray for the president. Footage on state television showed large groups in Mashhad offering prayers for Raisi's safe return.

The crash has generated significant anxiety and speculation within Iran. Abbas Aslani, a senior research fellow at the Center for Middle East Strategic Studies, told Al Jazeera that the nation is anxiously awaiting updates. "No one knows exactly what happened," Aslani said. "The situation is quite complicated and as time goes by, hope is diminishing."

Reports indicate that dense fog and harsh weather conditions have hampered rescue operations. A team of 16 rescue workers dispatched to the site has struggled with the adverse conditions, delaying their efforts to reach the crash site.

The helicopter was carrying Foreign Minister Hossein Amir-Abdollahian, the governor of East Azerbaijan, and other officials when it crashed. An Iranian official described the news from the accident site as "very worrying."

As the nation waits, the uncertainty surrounding President Raisi's condition casts a shadow over Iran, with hopes pinned on the rescue team's efforts to navigate the challenging terrain and locate the missing helicopter.



