Russian President Vladimir Putin gave an interview to an American television presenter. Kremlin spokesman Dmitry Peskov confirmed this at a press conference on Wednesday. 

Peskov said the Russian president interviewed former Fox News host Tucker Carlson on Tuesday. This is Putin's first interview with a US journalist since the military operation in Ukraine. British news agency Reuters reported this news.

At a regular press conference on Wednesday, Peskov said the former Fox News host's perspective on the Ukraine conflict was different from the "one-sided" reporting of many Western media outlets. So Putin agreed to interview Carlson.

"When it comes to all Western countries, the major network media, TV channels, and newspapers cannot boast of being at least neutral in their coverage," Peskov said.

He further said, 'These are all media outlets taking a one-sided position. Of course there is no desire to communicate with such media. It makes no sense and is almost useless.'

Former Fox News host Tucker Carlson.

Asked directly why Carlson interviewed Putin, Peskov said the American journalist's approach was "not pro-Russian or pro-Ukrainian at all, it's rather pro-American."

The interview may be broadcast on Thursday, Russian news agency Tass said, citing a Wall Street Journal report.

On February 24, 2022, Putin ordered the military operation against Ukraine. Prior to this, he gave his last official interview to a US media outlet in October 2021. He was then interviewed by CNBC's Hadley Gamble.