Geneva, Sep 16 (V7N) – The United Nations Human Rights Office has called for detailed submissions regarding incidents that occurred during the civil unrest in Bangladesh from July to August 2024. The UN’s Fact-Finding Team on Bangladesh (OHCHR-FFTB) is actively seeking evidence and testimonies from individuals, organizations, and institutions that can provide critical insight into human rights violations committed during the unrest.

This initiative aims to compile key data on acts of violence, excessive use of force, disappearances, and other violations by both state and non-state actors. The information gathered will contribute to a comprehensive report, aiding efforts to hold those responsible accountable and ensure justice for the victims.

Submission Details

The Fact-Finding Team has invited submissions via email at [email protected]. Contributors are encouraged to provide specific, verifiable evidence, such as documents, photographs, videos, and witness testimonies. Submissions should focus on key incidents during the unrest, such as the actions of security forces, protest activities, and significant events affecting civilians. Anonymity can be requested, and all submissions will be handled with strict confidentiality.

Background on the Unrest

Bangladesh saw widespread civil disturbances following heightened political tensions and growing dissatisfaction with economic policies in mid-2024. Protests erupted in major cities, sparking violent clashes between demonstrators and law enforcement. Numerous reports emerged of human rights abuses, including arbitrary detentions, police violence, and the disruption of essential services.

International Focus

This call for submissions comes as international attention on the Bangladesh crisis intensifies. Prominent human rights organizations like Amnesty International and Human Rights Watch have voiced concerns over the situation. The UN Fact-Finding Team’s investigation is expected to play a crucial role in uncovering the scope of human rights abuses and ensuring accountability.

Submissions are being accepted via [email protected], though the deadline has yet to be announced.