New York, Sep 20 (V7N) - Amid a backdrop of growing global challenges such as deepening poverty and an escalating climate crisis, the United Nations remains unwavering in its mission to promote peace, drive sustainable development, and alleviate human suffering. In his Annual Report on the Work of the Organization, released ahead of the 79th UN General Assembly’s high-level session, Secretary-General António Guterres emphasized the UN’s continued efforts to address these urgent global issues.

Guterres praised the resilience of UN staff, who remain committed to delivering critical aid in the most difficult circumstances. “I am incredibly proud of the United Nations staff, who continue to fulfill their mandates in a world that is fractured and at times dangerous,” he stated.

“In 2023, in partnership with local organizations, we coordinated humanitarian response efforts for 245 million people in 74 countries, providing life-saving assistance and protection to nearly 160 million individuals in urgent need.”

The report also highlights that the UN secured a record $22.7 billion in humanitarian aid from global donors, supporting vital programs in Afghanistan, Sudan, Yemen, the Occupied Palestinian Territory, and disaster-stricken regions such as Syria, Türkiye, Libya, Malawi, and Mozambique.

However, these achievements have come at a heavy cost. 2023 witnessed the highest number of UN staff and humanitarian workers killed in action, with most of the casualties occurring among staff of the UN Relief and Works Agency for Palestine Refugees in the Near East (UNRWA) in Gaza. Guterres honored their sacrifices, reiterating the UN's commitment to standing by the world’s most vulnerable communities.

Diplomacy at the Heart of the UN’s Mission

Despite growing global security challenges, peace diplomacy remains central to the UN’s efforts. Guterres proposed a New Agenda for Peace, advocating multilateral action to address threats to the future of humanity.

For the first time in 34 years, Guterres invoked Article 99 of the UN Charter, bringing the Israel-Gaza conflict to the Security Council’s attention. He called for a humanitarian ceasefire and the release of hostages, as part of broader efforts to prevent regional escalation and pursue a two-state solution aligned with international law.

The UN also facilitated peace negotiations, supported state-building efforts, and helped protect civilians globally, notably in Sudan. The organization oversaw the withdrawal of around 13,000 peacekeepers from Mali, where security conditions have sharply deteriorated.

In 2023, the Peacebuilding Fund distributed over $200 million to support national peace initiatives in 36 countries, with a particular emphasis on gender equality. Partnerships with regional organizations like the African Union further strengthened conflict prevention efforts.

A Renewed Push for the Global Goals

At the 2023 SDG Summit, over 6,000 participants reaffirmed their commitment to the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). Yet, with only 15% of the targets on track for 2030, many developing nations face significant resource challenges in building a sustainable future.

Key environmental achievements in 2023 included the Water Action Agenda and a landmark agreement on plastic pollution. The UN’s climate advocacy was another highlight, pushing for transitions away from fossil fuels, operationalizing the Loss and Damage Fund, and ending deforestation by 2030.

Human Rights and Multilateralism

The UN also maintained a sharp focus on human rights throughout the year. Initiatives aimed at ending violence against women, empowering rural women, and ensuring their inclusion in constitutional processes were key priorities.

However, Guterres expressed concern over the erosion of multilateral principles, pointing to ongoing attacks on civilians, humanitarian workers, and critical infrastructure in conflict zones.

In anticipation of the Summit of the Future, the UN released policy briefs addressing issues such as peace, security, and artificial intelligence governance, with the goal of strengthening the values of the UN Charter and addressing challenges like misinformation and disinformation.

Commitment to Humanity

“Our organization and its staff will continue to stand in solidarity with the people of the world during these difficult times, as we strive for a future of peace, equality, prosperity, and a world that leaves no one behind,” Guterres concluded.

He reaffirmed the UN’s resolve to deliver the necessary aid and hope to people around the globe, emphasizing that now, more than ever, the world needs a united and decisive response.