In a bold move echoing global sentiments, 28 Google employees have been temporarily suspended following their involvement in protests demanding the cancellation of a contentious contract known as Project Nimbus. At least nine individuals have been arrested in connection with the protests, as reported by US-based media outlet CNBC on Thursday.

Pro-Palestinian activists took to the streets in front of the organization's offices in New York and California on Wednesday, staging a sit-in that lasted for nine hours in defiance of authorities' orders. The protest aimed to voice opposition to Project Nimbus, a $1.2 billion deal between the Israeli government and tech giants Google and Amazon. The agreement entails the provision of advanced technology and cloud services to the Israeli military and various governmental entities.

Videos capturing the arrests of protesters quickly went viral on social media platforms, drawing widespread attention to the movement. Despite police intervention and subsequent arrests, the activists remained steadfast in their demands for accountability.

In response to the protests and employee involvement, Google has initiated an investigation into the matter. Until the investigation is concluded and a report is issued, the suspended employees will not be permitted to resume their duties at the company.

The suspension of Google employees underscores the growing pressure faced by tech companies to reassess their involvement in controversial contracts and partnerships, particularly those perceived to be in conflict with human rights principles. As public scrutiny intensifies, stakeholders await further developments regarding the fate of Project Nimbus and the broader implications for corporate accountability in the technology sector.