The Bangladesh Telecommunication Regulatory Commission (BTRC) has sought to allay public concerns regarding the use of unregistered mobile phones in the country. In a public hearing held on Wednesday to address telecommunications issues, Engineer Sheikh Riaz Ahmed, Commissioner of the BTRC, provided reassurance to consumers.

Addressing inquiries during the hearing, Engineer Sheikh Riaz Ahmed emphasized that both registered and unregistered mobile phones are currently operational within the country's network. He assured consumers that ample time would be provided if necessary measures are taken to address the use of illegal phones, alleviating fears of potential blockages for unregistered devices.

Encouraging consumers to prioritize purchasing registered mobile phones, Sheikh Riaz underscored the government and BTRC's stance against the use of unregistered devices. He assured that unregistered mobile phones could be registered with the BTRC, affirming that all mobile sets would continue to function on the network without any disruptions.

The public hearing, attended by State Minister for Posts, Telecommunications and Information Technology Junaid Ahmed Palak, focused on various telecommunications issues. BTRC Chairman Engineer Mohiuddin Ahmed, alongside other commissioners, addressed inquiries from customers and representatives.

Regarding the future of telecommunications technology, BTRC indicated that while there are no immediate plans for 5G implementation, the focus remains on upgrading existing 4G infrastructure to deliver advanced services akin to those expected from 5G technology.

State Minister Junaid Ahmed Palak reiterated the government's commitment to preserving the BTRC's regulatory powers under the new Telecommunication Act. He emphasized the importance of fostering innovation and assured continued financial and IT audits to enhance cybersecurity measures.

Additionally, BTRC disclosed ongoing efforts to revamp mobile data packages, with plans to introduce a revised package based on consumer feedback. Minister Palak pledged to monitor mobile operators' adherence to billing practices, ensuring transparency and accountability for consumers.

As discussions progress and initiatives unfold, the telecommunications landscape in Bangladesh remains poised for evolution, guided by regulatory oversight and public engagement.