Facebook users facing the dilemma of navigating their News Feed cluttered with irrelevant or annoying posts from friends now have a discreet solution: unfollowing. This feature allows users to maintain their Facebook connections while hiding posts from specific individuals, preserving social ties without sacrificing personal preferences.

Unfollowing can be executed through various methods, including the mobile app's Settings menu. By accessing "Settings and Privacy," then "Settings," and proceeding to "News Feed," users can select "Unfollow People and Groups." From there, selecting the "All" option allows users to locate the friend they wish to unfollow and click the corresponding "Unfollow" button.

Alternatively, users can directly unfollow someone by visiting their Facebook profile. By clicking the "Friends" button on the profile and selecting "Unfollow" from the dropdown menu, users can discreetly manage their News Feed content without alerting the individual.

This feature empowers users to curate their Facebook experience, ensuring a more enjoyable and relevant browsing experience while maintaining social connections.