Global, June 30 2024 — Last year, UNESCO called for a ban on smartphone use in schools, citing a correlation between smartphone usage and declining academic performance. The organization's recommendation has sparked discussions among educators and officials globally.

Educators in the UK are advocating for the ban, emphasizing its potential positive impact on students' learning outcomes and mental well-being. They argue that reducing smartphone distractions in classrooms could lead to better focus and academic achievements.

"Smartphones can be a significant distraction in the learning environment," said a UK educator. "Most schools do not permit unrestricted smartphone use, and there is a need for collaboration among parents, students, and schools to ensure safe and appropriate smartphone usage."

However, not all educational leaders agree with UNESCO's stance. Carmel Corrigan, the Children's Commissioner of Jersey, believes that banning smartphones may overlook the benefits of smart technology in education.

"Smart technology offers enormous positives that can enhance children's safety, learning experiences, and social interactions," Corrigan stated. "It's crucial to strike a balance between ensuring online safety, protecting children from harmful content, and leveraging technology to provide educational opportunities and support."

The debate continues as policymakers and educators globally grapple with finding the right balance between leveraging technology for educational purposes while mitigating its potential drawbacks on students' academic performance and well-being.