Pabna, Mar 6 (V7N) - As part of a central movement, diploma doctors in Pabna held a press conference on Wednesday, March 5, to demand the implementation of their four-point agenda. The event took place at the VIP Lounge of Pabna Press Club.

The conference was jointly organized by the Bangladesh Diploma Medical Association, Bangladesh Diploma Medical Private Practitioners Association, and General MATs Unity Council of Pabna district. Dr. Matiur Rahman, President of Bangladesh Diploma Medical Association's Pabna district branch, presented a written statement during the conference, with General Secretary Dr. Zahurul Islam and other diploma doctors in attendance.

In their statement, the doctors highlighted the unemployment of nearly 50,000 qualified personnel who have completed the DMF course due to a lack of job opportunities. Despite 53 years of independence, MATs students continue to face discrimination, and no steps have been taken to address these inequalities. They also expressed concern over the recruitment freeze for over a decade, leaving both rural populations without medical care and increasing the number of unemployed MATs graduates.

The diploma doctors are calling for the immediate implementation of their four demands:

  1. Immediate recruitment for vacant positions and the creation of new positions in community clinics and both public and private hospitals.
  2. Renaming institutions and courses, correcting the outdated curriculum, and formulating an internship logbook.
  3. Granting the right to higher education in clinical subjects recognized by BMDC.
  4. Changing the proposed name of the Allied Health Professional Board Act to "Medical Education Board of Bangladesh" and implementing the necessary amendments.

The doctors warned of more stringent actions if their demands are not addressed promptly.