Dhaka, Sep 14 (V7N) – Nurses across the country, including those in Dhaka, have initiated protests following controversial remarks made by Maqsura Noor, the Director General of the Directorate General of Nursing and Midwifery. The nurses formed human chains demanding her resignation.

The protestors warned that if their demands were not met, they would launch a work stoppage on Sunday. Representatives from the nursing community also stated that a more extensive action plan would be unveiled at a press conference.

During the demonstration, the nurses insisted on their primary demand: that highly qualified and experienced nurses be appointed to key positions such as Director General of the Directorate General of Nursing and Midwifery, as well as president and registrar of the Bangladesh Nursing and Midwifery Council.

The nurses expressed their frustration, noting that despite previous assurances that their demand would be met, on September 12, a non-nurse administrative officer was again appointed as registrar. This development has only intensified their anger.

The protests first began on September 9 after Maqsura Noor's controversial remarks on September 8, in which she described former Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina’s decision to grant second-class status to nurses as a "mistake." This statement has sparked widespread outrage within the nursing community.