In a bid to uphold the sanctity and cleanliness of mosques during the holy month of Ramadan, the Saudi Arabian administration has announced a ban on iftar gatherings inside mosque premises.

According to reports from The New Arab News, Saudi government directives have prohibited the consumption of iftar meals within mosque confines. The decision comes as part of efforts to maintain the pristine condition of these sacred spaces. Last week, the Ministry of Islamic Affairs issued a notice informing the public of this regulation.

The notice stipulates that iftar gatherings may take place in the open areas surrounding mosques; however, the setting up of temporary structures or tents for iftar purposes is strictly prohibited. Furthermore, the Ministry of Islamic Affairs has instructed imams and muezzins not to solicit funds for iftar provisions for fasting individuals.

Additionally, stringent measures have been put in place regarding photography within mosques during Ramadan. The use of cameras or the capturing of images inside mosques is expressly forbidden. Moreover, any form of direct broadcasting, including online streaming, involving the placement of cameras inside mosques during Ramadan is strictly prohibited.

The implementation of these regulations underscores the Saudi government's commitment to preserving the sacredness and cleanliness of mosques during the holiest month in the Islamic calendar. As Ramadan approaches, worshippers are urged to adhere to these guidelines to ensure a harmonious and respectful observance of religious practices.