In a bid to manage crowds and ensure the safety of pilgrims, Saudi Arabia has announced a ban on performing Umrah more than once during the holy month of Ramadan. Gulf News reported on the new restrictions aimed at reducing congestion in Mecca during the sacred period.

The Saudi Ministry of Hajj and Umrah has stated that individuals will not be permitted to undertake Umrah more than once throughout Ramadan. Additionally, Umrah pilgrims are urged to refrain from prolonging their stay in Makkah and Madinah during this auspicious month.

To enforce these measures effectively, the Saudi government utilizes the Nusak platform, which serves as a central hub for Umrah-related services. Through the app, individuals seeking to perform Umrah can access information and submit their applications. Notably, the system will automatically reject applications from individuals who have already completed an Umrah during Ramadan, while allowing new applicants to proceed.

These measures underscore the Saudi government's commitment to ensuring the smooth and safe conduct of religious rituals, particularly during times of heightened pilgrimage activity. By implementing restrictions on Umrah performances, authorities aim to manage crowds effectively and maintain a conducive environment for spiritual observance during Ramadan.