Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky has pointed fingers at Russian President Vladimir Putin in the aftermath of the terrorist attack on Crocus City Hall in Moscow, despite lingering doubts about Ukraine's involvement. Zelensky, in a video speech on Saturday night, refuted any Ukrainian connection to the attack, attributing blame to Putin's regime. The British news agency Reuters reported on Zelensky's remarks.

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According to Zelensky, Putin's attempt to shift blame elsewhere is evident, echoing past incidents where Russia allegedly pinned acts of violence on external actors. The Ukrainian president condemned Putin and other alleged perpetrators, accusing them of a habitual pattern of denial and deflection. 

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In response, a Russian Foreign Ministry spokesman derided Zelensky's allegations, labeling him as the only head of state making baseless accusations against Russia regarding terrorist attacks.

Prior to Zelensky's remarks, Putin addressed the nation on Saturday, disclosing that 11 suspects, including four directly involved in the Crocus City Hall attack, had been apprehended. The suspects were intercepted while attempting to flee towards Ukraine. Putin vowed to bring the masterminds and perpetrators to justice, emphasizing the need to thwart future bloodshed.

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Zelensky countered Putin's assertions, urging him to focus on combating terrorism within Russia rather than involving Ukraine. He criticized the Russian military for allegedly harboring terrorists on Ukrainian soil while ignoring domestic security concerns.

Addressing Putin's delayed response to the attack, Zelensky insinuated that the Russian leader deliberated on implicating Ukraine in the incident. The Ukrainian president deemed Putin's actions as predictable, echoing concerns of potential scapegoating.

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The terrorist attack on the Crocus City Complex in Moscow claimed the lives of 133 individuals, with hundreds more injured. Russian authorities have arrested eleven individuals in connection with the attack, with the Federal Security Service (FSB) disclosing suspected links between the perpetrators and Ukraine, albeit without providing specific details.