A towering inferno engulfed a high-rise building under construction in the city of Recife, Brazil, on Thursday (March 28), according to reports from the country's media. As of the latest updates, firefighters are still battling to bring the blaze under control.

Witnesses captured harrowing footage of the blaze, depicting the entire structure consumed by flames, with sections of the building crumbling from the intense heat and fire.

Multiple units of the fire service have been mobilized to combat the inferno, working tirelessly to quell the flames and prevent further destruction. Fortunately, authorities have successfully evacuated many individuals from the vicinity of the building, prioritizing their safety amid the chaotic scene. Additionally, as a safety precaution, the electricity connection to the building has been severed.

Despite the ferocity of the blaze, there have been no reported casualties thus far. However, the cause of the fire remains shrouded in mystery, with investigations underway to ascertain the origins of the devastating inferno.

As the firefighting efforts continue, residents of Recife and beyond anxiously await updates on the situation, hoping for a swift resolution to prevent any further harm or destruction.