President Joe Biden is facing growing criticism and pressure in the United States over his administration's support for Israel amid escalating violence in the Gaza Strip. Despite traditionally strong ties between the U.S. and Israel, Biden is grappling with mounting discontent from various segments of American society.

The Biden administration's unwavering support for Israel, including blocking a ceasefire proposal at the United Nations and supplying arms and ammunition, has sparked outrage among many Americans. Protesters across the country, representing diverse religious and cultural backgrounds, have taken to the streets to denounce Israel's actions and demand an end to the violence in Gaza.

Muslim Americans, in particular, have voiced their concerns and threatened to withhold their support for Biden in the upcoming presidential election in November. Biden, aware of the potential political ramifications, is facing pressure to reassess the U.S.'s stance on the conflict.

Recently, protesters disrupted a fundraising event for Biden's campaign in New York City, where he was joined by former Presidents Barack Obama and Bill Clinton. Demonstrators both inside and outside the venue condemned Biden's support for Israel and criticized his administration's policies regarding the Gaza war.

During the event, protesters chanted slogans and voiced their disapproval, with some even directing verbal attacks at Biden and Obama. The disruption highlighted the deep divisions within the Democratic Party and the growing frustration among progressive supporters who feel betrayed by Biden's handling of the Gaza conflict.

Prior to the fundraiser, the motorcade of the three leaders encountered hundreds of protesters rallying against Israel's actions in Gaza. The scenes of dissent underscore the challenges Biden faces in maintaining unity within his party and addressing the concerns of various interest groups.

As the violence in Gaza continues unabated, Biden finds himself navigating a delicate balance between upholding America's longstanding alliance with Israel and responding to the demands of his constituents, who are increasingly vocal in their calls for a more balanced approach to the conflict.