Tensions between Beijing and Delhi have escalated once again as China continues to assert its claims over India's Arunachal Pradesh region, a dispute that has been ongoing for years. China's recent move to rename several areas in Arunachal Pradesh has sparked outrage from the Indian government, leading to strong protests and condemnations.

China has long claimed Arunachal Pradesh as its own, referring to it as 'Jangnan,' despite India's staunch opposition to such assertions. The Line of Actual Control (LAC) between the two countries has been a point of contention, with both sides engaging in territorial disputes.

In a recent development, Beijing unveiled Chinese names for 30 additional places in Arunachal Pradesh, further fueling tensions. India swiftly rejected China's actions, denouncing them as 'unconscionable' and asserting that Arunachal Pradesh is an integral part of India.

The Modi government has expressed its anger over China's provocative steps, emphasizing that assigning Chinese names to Indian territories does not alter their status as part of India. India has reiterated its stance that Arunachal Pradesh has always been and will remain an integral part of the country.

China's move to rename areas in Arunachal Pradesh marks the fourth such instance, with previous attempts made in 2017, 2021, and 2023. Indian officials have firmly rejected China's assertions, stating that altering names does not change the ground realities.

Indian External Affairs Ministry spokesperson Randhir Jaiswal reiterated India's position, emphasizing that China's actions are baseless and unacceptable. Despite China's claims, Arunachal Pradesh will remain an integral part of India, Jaiswal affirmed.

India's Foreign Minister S. Jaishankar echoed similar sentiments, questioning the validity of China's claims over Indian territories. He emphasized that altering names or including Indian territories on Chinese maps does not change the ground realities, reaffirming India's sovereignty over its territories.

The ongoing border dispute between India and China continues to escalate, with conflicts often taking extreme forms. The recent tensions sparked by China's renaming of areas in Arunachal Pradesh highlight the deep-rooted territorial disputes between the two nations, which remain unresolved.