On October 7 last year, an unprecedented attack on Israel was carried out by the Palestinian independence organization Hamas. Since then, Israel has embarked on a tough campaign to eradicate Hamas. Benjamin Netanyahu's hyenas swooped on Gaza, vowing to crush and wipe out the organization. But six months of that war have passed. More than 33,000 Palestinian civilians died.

Along with killings, Israel has also carried out destructions. But has the country's goal of jumping into Gaza been achieved? On the day of completion of six months of the war, such questions are eating themselves in the mind of Benjamin Netanyahu, the butcher of the Middle East. It is true that Israel has damaged Gaza. But not Hamas. Benjamin Netanyahu completely failed to eliminate Hamas. Hamas only killed innocent people.

Despite the concerns of most of the world, the country continues its hellish killing spree. The country is reluctant to admit its failure to eliminate Hamas. Israel claims that thousands of Hamas fighters have been killed in their campaign. They also managed to destroy most of Hamas' underground tunnel network in Gaza. But Israel could not provide any evidence for these claims.

So let's see how many Hamas leaders have been killed so far? According to various reports citing IDF commanders, there were believed to be 30,000 Hamas fighters in Gaza before October 7. Most of Hamas' top leaders, such as Ismail Haniyeh, are now abroad. However, the leaders of Hamas' armed forces are believed to be inside Gaza.

In a recent statement, the IDF claimed to have killed around 13,000 Hamas fighters since the Gaza war began. However, they did not say anything about how they calculated this. The BBC says the IDF has cited 113 Hamas fighters since October. Most of whom were killed in the first three months of the war. After that, the IDF could not report the killing of any major leader.

Let's come now, how much of the Hamas tunnel network Israel has been able to destroy? It also vowed to destroy Hamas' extensive underground tunnel network in Gaza as part of ending Hamas. Goods and people used to travel through those tunnels. Hamas's tunnel network is about five hundred kilometers long.

The IDF was asked how many Hamas tunnels they had destroyed and what percentage of the total tunnel network they had destroyed. In response, they said they destroyed a large part of Hamas infrastructure in Gaza. On the other hand, the BBC did not get a clear picture of the information that the IDF has published so far about the tunnel in one place.

The Palestinian civilians in Gaza are paying a high price for this Israeli operation. The European Union has accused Gaza of using starvation as a weapon of war. All residential areas have been reduced to rubble, roads, universities have been destroyed, agricultural land has been razed.

More than 56 percent of Gaza's buildings have been damaged or completely destroyed since the war began, according to satellite data. Although six months into the Gaza war, Israel is getting closer to its goals in the war, with no clear picture yet.

And after six months, Israel is facing a new threat. Iran has become a messenger to meet them. Israel awaits the ultimate outcome at any time. Netanyahu may be withdrawing his army from the south of Gaza because of that fear. However, Tel Aviv cannot show a clear reason behind this. The country's officials say that the army is not being withdrawn, but that they are in the process of sending in new troops.