Former US President Donald Trump has once again sparked controversy by comparing himself to South Africa's anti-apartheid icon Nelson Mandela, while also drawing parallels to Jesus Christ. Trump made these remarks in a post on a social media platform on Saturday, as reported by Vanity Fair.

In the post, Trump stated, "If I am framed and I have to go to jail for the political scandal that is going on against me, I will accept this decision gladly. I will be identified as a modern-day Nelson Mandela." This comparison comes despite Mandela's 27-year imprisonment before serving as President of South Africa and his revered status as a symbol of reconciliation and leadership.

This is not the first time Trump has equated himself with Mandela and Jesus Christ. He previously made similar comparisons at a rally last year. On March 25, while appearing in court for his porn star bribery case, Trump also likened himself to Jesus.

Trump's penchant for comparing himself to historical figures of immense stature has drawn criticism from various quarters. US President Joe Biden's campaign issued a statement condemning Trump's remarks, calling them "extremely self-centered."

The statement from Biden's team read, "So self-centered that you are comparing yourself to Jesus Christ and Nelson Mandela in less than a week." Trump's ongoing propensity for drawing such comparisons continues to fuel debates about his character and leadership style.