Israeli-imprisoned writer Bassem Khandakji has emerged as the recipient of the esteemed International Prize for Arabic Fiction 2024, securing recognition for his compelling novel, 'A Mask, The Color of the Sky'. The announcement surfaced on Monday, April 29, through a report by Al Jazeera.

During a ceremonious event convened in Abu Dhabi, United Arab Emirates, Rana Idris Khandakji gracefully accepted the distinguished accolade on behalf of Al-Adab, the novel's Lebanon-based publisher. 'A Mask, The Color of the Sky', a literary masterpiece penned by Bassem Khandakji, graced the literary world with its publication in 2023.

The narrative intricately navigates the life of Noor, an archaeologist ensconced within the confines of a Palestinian refugee camp nestled in Ramallah, West Bank. The tale unfurls as Noor stumbles upon a clandestine blue identity card concealed within the folds of an aged dress pocket. This serendipitous discovery catalyzes a transformative odyssey, compelling Noor to embrace an alter ego, shrouded behind the façade of his original persona.

Born in 1983 in Nablus, West Bank, Bassem Khandakji's literary ingenuity transcends the confines of his incarceration in Israel since 2004. Through 'A Mask, The Color of the Sky', Khandakji eloquently captures the essence of human identity and the profound complexities inherent in the human experience.

The International Prize for Arabic Fiction serves as a testament to Khandakji's literary prowess and his unwavering commitment to storytelling amidst adversity. As the literary world celebrates his achievement, 'A Mask, The Color of the Sky' stands as a testament to the enduring power of literature to transcend boundaries and illuminate the human condition.