Former US ambassador to the United Nations, Nikki Haley, has emerged as a formidable contender in the race to secure the Republican Party's nomination for the November presidential election in the United States, posing a significant challenge to former President Donald Trump. Reports indicate that Trump's campaign is considering Haley as a potential running mate in the upcoming election battle.

Citing sources familiar with the matter, online news media Axios reported on Saturday that Trump's campaign is deliberating on the possibility of selecting Haley as his running mate, provided that he is convinced she can help secure victory in the election. Additionally, Trump sees Haley as a potential ally in navigating legal challenges, including pending criminal cases that could result in imprisonment and substantial financial penalties if he is convicted.

Former South Carolina Governor Nikki Haley, who previously faced defeat by Trump in her state's primary for the Republican nomination, withdrew her candidacy in March after trailing behind Trump in earlier primaries and caucuses. Despite her withdrawal, Haley did not endorse Trump at the time.

Haley's decision to withdraw effectively paved the way for Trump to secure the Republican Party's nomination. It is now confirmed that Trump will once again face off against President Biden in the November presidential election, setting the stage for a highly anticipated political showdown.