Israeli-Jewish historian Ilan Pappe faced detention and interrogation by the FBI at Detroit airport in Michigan, USA, on Monday, sparking concerns over freedom of expression. According to reports from Middle East Eye, Pappe's detention lasted for two hours, during which his phone was seized and searched.

In a Facebook post, Pappe revealed that FBI agents questioned him about his pro-Palestinian stance, asking if he supported Hamas and whether he considered Israeli actions in Gaza as genocide. Furthermore, they inquired about his relationships with Arab and Muslim individuals in the United States.

Pappe recounted that the interrogation included a lengthy phone conversation with an individual from Israel, during which all data on his phone was copied before he was permitted to continue his journey through the airport.

A renowned Israeli historian, political scientist, and former politician, Pappe has been a vocal critic of Israeli policies in the Middle East. He attributes the lack of peace in the region to the existence of Israel and has controversially suggested that Judaism poses a greater threat than Islamic militancy.

The incident has raised concerns about academic freedom and the right to express dissenting views without facing intimidation or harassment. Pappe's detention underscores the ongoing tensions surrounding discussions on the Israeli-Palestinian conflict and highlights the challenges faced by individuals who advocate for Palestinian rights in international forums.

As reactions pour in from various quarters, Pappe's detention serves as a reminder of the complex dynamics at play in the Middle East and the importance of fostering open dialogue and understanding to address longstanding conflicts in the region.

Stay tuned for further developments on this story as it unfolds.